Gateway Park 

Located at the eastern touchdown of the San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge, Gateway Park is both a stopping point and a thoroughfare. An enormous daily population of 280,000 vehicles speeds past the site in cars, trucks, and buses en route to other locations. The bike path on the bridge brings many more people up close to the site—and the number of bikers and pedestrians is anticipated to increase as both Treasure Island and the Western span of the Bay Bridge complete bicycle and pedestrian access.

Location: Oakland, CA
The Gateway Park Working Group*
Cost: $104 Million
Project Size: 170 acres Overall, 70 acres Phase One
Date: 2012 - Ongoing
Role: Landscape Architect

*The Gateway Park Working Group is a 9-agency steering committee including the Association of Bay Area Governments/Bay Trail, Caltrans, Bay Area Toll Authority, City of Oakland, East Bay Regional Park District, East Bay Municipal Utility District, Port of Oakland, California Transportation Commission, and the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission.